Php Serialize Object To Json

  • Jsonencode($array) is a fine way to convert a PHP array or object into a string for saving it into a database. But if we want to save assotiative Arrays. This is what happens: Since JavaScript uses Objects for 'Assotiative arrays', this makes sense.
  • Serializing and Deserializing JSON. The JsonSerializer is able to read and write JSON text directly to a stream via JsonTextReader and JsonTextWriter. Other kinds of JsonWriters can also be used, such as JTokenReader / JTokenWriter, to convert your object to and from LINQ to JSON objects, or BsonReader / BsonWriter, to convert to and from BSON.

Java EE 7 has a JSON API in javax.json, see the Javadoc. From what I can tell, it doesn't have a simple method to marshall any object to JSON, you need to construct a JsonObject or a JsonArray. Import javax.json.

Active1 month ago

I have classes like these:

And I would like to turn a Lad object into a JSON string like this:

(without the formatting). I found this link, but it uses a namespace that's not in .NET 4. I also heard about JSON.NET, but their site seems to be down at the moment, and I'm not keen on using external DLL files. Are there other options besides manually creating a JSON string writer?

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15 Answers

You could use the JavaScriptSerializer class (add reference to System.Web.Extensions):

A full example:

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Kolappan Nathan
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Darin DimitrovDarin Dimitrov
878k233 gold badges3075 silver badges2791 bronze badges

Since we all love one liners

.. this one depends on the Newtonsoft NuGet package, which is popular and better than the default serializer.

Documentation: Serializing and Deserializing JSON

James Newton-King
32.6k20 gold badges100 silver badges120 bronze badges
13.4k5 gold badges27 silver badges31 bronze badges

Use Json.Net library, you can download it from Nuget Packet Manager.

Serializing to Json String:

Deserializing to Object:

Gokulan P HGokulan P H

Use the DataContractJsonSerializer class: MSDN1, MSDN2.

My example: HERE.

It can also safely deserialize objects from a JSON string, unlike JavaScriptSerializer. But personally I still prefer Json.NET.

3,0164 gold badges35 silver badges54 bronze badges

Wooou! Really better using a JSON framework :)

Here is my example using Json.NET (

The test:

The result:

Now I will implement the constructor method that will receives a JSON string and populates the class' fields.

8,4678 gold badges59 silver badges104 bronze badges
Jean J. MichelJean J. Michel

You can achieve this by using Newtonsoft.json. Install Newtonsoft.json from Nuget. and then:

Waleed NaveedWaleed Naveed

If they are not very big, whats probably your case export it as Json.Also this makes portable among all plattforms


If you are in an ASP.NET MVC web controller it's as simple as:

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Can't believe no one has mentioned this.

1,3595 gold badges26 silver badges47 bronze badges
Peter Mortensen
14.5k19 gold badges89 silver badges118 bronze badges

As easy as this, works for dynamic objects as well (type object):

Chandan Kumar
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2,9702 gold badges16 silver badges29 bronze badges

Use this tools for generate C# class, then use this code to serialize your object

Php Serialize Object To Json Software

Artem PolishchukArtem Polishchuk

I would vote for ServiceStack's JSON Serializer:

It is also the fastest JSON serializer available for .NET:


There is this really nifty utility right here:


Take care to create your class with the right attribute too:

Create this class with <Serializable> attribute as per the example C# example followed by exmpale

Php Serialize Object



End Namespace

The second step is to create a simple test data like this:



And this is the final result:

802. 11n usb wireless drivers download. Remember to add a reference to system.web.extension.dll in order to achive your goal.


protected by Brian RogersNov 23 '14 at 0:39

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