Db2 Universal Jdbc Driver Provider

I am using WebSphere 5.1 Application server and DB2 v8.1.0 and Windows 2000 advanced server OS
While tring ot create Datasource with the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) I select Driver type 2 as I require Distributed Transaction between two databases in my J2EE application.
While tring to Test Connection for the created datasource following Error comes.
Test Connection failed for datasource NFPD on server dmgr at node staging1Manager with the following exception: java.lang.Exception: com.ibm.db2.jcc.b.SqlException: Failure in loading T2 native library db2jcct2. View JVM logs for further details. null
I tried searching the net and found that this Driver uses some shared Library of the OS for talking to the database. It looks for the db2jcct2.dll. I have downloaded the file and put it in the required directory and restarted the machine. But it still doesnt work.
This Driver works perfectly on local machine where I use db2 v8.1.7 and WebSphere 5.1
The application does not work with the Universal Driver type 4
Can anyone plese help me find a proper solution to this problem.
Thanks and regards
Prakash Anand

Jdbc Driver Jar File

Db2 Universal Jdbc Driver ProviderLogin
  • IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ (JCC Driver) Provides support for JDBC and SQLJ for client applications developed in Java. Supports JDBC 3 and JDBC 4 standard. This package is a superset of Data Server Driver package. It includes many DB2 specific utilities and libraries. It includes DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP) tool.
  • Use the Type 4 DB2 driver. The application does not work with the Universal Driver type 4 Add db2jcc.jar file and db2jcclicensecu.jar file to the Classpath. The DB2 JDBC Type 4 driver db2jcc.jar file and the DB2 database server license file db2jcclicensecu.jar are available in the C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB/java directory.

Db2 Jdbc Driver Maven

Pelco control point software download. Poker bankroll how much. The IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ package includes two JDBC drivers: db2jcc.jar - This driver is based on the JDBC 3 specification; db2jcc4.jar - This driver is based on the JDBC 4 or later specifications; The db2jcc.jar driver is now deprecated. After version 3.72, which is delivered with DB2 Version 11.1 for Linux, UNIX,.