Symantec Ghost is a tool to create images of system disks. It is very useful to make a backup of the current state of a computer, or in case we are going to perform changes on our system but need to revert them time after. Norton Ghost 11.5 was released on 2009 and even when there has been newer versions of the software, it is still doing its.
Hi I need add ghost32 to Hiren’s CD v15.2 Windows Mini XP.
- Ghost 32 11.0. Choose the most popular programs from Developer Tools. 4.4 (16 votes) 11.0 Symantec Corporation. Info updated on: Apr 01, 2019.
- No preview available.
I found this tutorial.
My steps:
With HBCDCustomizer I extract ISO
Pharaoh and cleopatra trainer. Create folder C:Ghost
Copy Ghost32.exe and uharc.exe to C:Ghost folder
uharc create file Ghost32.uha
Ghost32.uha need to be copy
. (from tutorial)But HBCD folder contains these folders:
- Boot
- Programs
- Files XP
Download game pes 2020 offline. I don’t know in which folder I need copy
file or if I need copy Ghost32.exe or any other file somewhere.First I copied only
. Result in Windows Mini Xp Ghost32 is not found.Second attempt. Folder
contains 7z files so I triedcopy to this folderGhost32.uha
Ghost32 is found but not work.
Any advice how add Ghost32 to Windows XP in Hiren’s CD v15.2?
1 Answer
- Download and unpack it to a folder (forexample, D:Hirens.BootCD.15.2).
- Run D:Hirens.BootCD.15.2HBCDCustomizer.exe, follow stepsA-D as shown on the picture and wait until extraction is done.
- Download Ghost or Ghost and copy it toD:MyBootCDCDHBCDProgramsFiles.
- Follow steps E-F as shown on the picture and wait until imagecreation is finished.
- Run D:Hirens.BootCD.15.2BurnToCD.cmd and burn a newly createdimage.
- D:MyBootCDMyHBCD.iso to a blank CD.
Ghost32 11. 5 Download Game
Ghost32 11.5 Download

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