Python And Microsoft Access

Posted by2 years ago

Python versions 2.4 - 2.7. On Windows, you can use mxODBC with the ODBC driver that comes with MS Access, or use the ODBC driver that comes with the MDAC 2.8 SP1 database access package, if you don't have MS Access installed on the machine. On Unix platforms, you can use one of the ODBC drivers available from commercial ODBC vendors. In this short tutorial, I’ll show you how to insert values into MS Access table using Python. I’ll use a simple example to add two records to an existing table in MS Access. But before we begin, here is the general syntax to insert a record into an Access table. Python has support for working with databases via a simple API. Modules included with Python include modules for SQLite and Berkeley DB. Modules for MySQL, PostgreSQL, FirebirdSQL and others are available as third-party modules. The latter have to be downloaded and installed before use.

I'm looking for some ways to go about automating a few things at work. Everyday I have to open 52 separate Microsoft Access databases, run the same macro in each database, when the macro is ran I'm prompted for a start date and end date so the macro can pull in the appropriate data into a temporary table for that particular database. I do this every single day, it takes me 31 minutes to go through all 52 databases, run the macro, input the dates, close and on to the next.

First I tried making a batch file, which allowed me to open whichever database I had set the directory to and immediately start running the macro. However I quickly learned the limitations of batch files for even something as simple as this task when I couldn't find any way to use a batch file to input the dates the macro asks for. Download psiphon for windows 7.


I have read Automate the Boring Stuff and gone through a Zero to Hero Python course on Udemy. Autodesk fusion 360 download. So I have some very basic knowledge of Python syntax.

I have searched around Google, github, and stack overflow looking for ways to use Python to do what I want with the databases but most of the things I come across are just ways to implement MS Access databases into Python to be manipulated in a different way.


I just simply want to use Python to open a Microsoft Access database, run my macro, input the dates for me, close the database, and then repeat on the next database.

I'm not looking for somebody to write the code for me. I'm simply looking for some direction on where to start.

Thank you!


Python And Microsoft Access