Zelda 2 Download


Here we are, finally ready for the concluding battles of this huge game. But even though we've got only two more palaces (three, if you count the Grand Palace) to cover, there's still a lot to be done before Link is victorious in his quest.

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The last two palaces are gigantic and will present you with many new creatures and challenges, so it has never been more important that your character be as strong as possible. In fact, until your Magic abilities are as high as they can get, you won't be able to get much past the entrance of the Sixth Palace. This is because the Sixth Palace requires that you have the Magic Key. And to get the Magic Key, you must first have found all the Magic Containers.

But let's take a look at the Fifth Palace, first.

The Fifth Palace

The Fifth Palace is located on a tiny island in far-east Hyrule. To get there, you need the Magic Boots (they'll let you walk on water). With the Boots, walk east from Nabooru Town, across the ocean, onto the island and into the palace.

The Fifth Palace contains many of the same types of rooms that you've seen in previous palaces, but now there is a greater number of creatures. You'll have to make your way across some tricky areas, while battling for your life. For this reason, it's imperative that you know how to defeat each type of enemy. However, from this point on, your best bet is to avoid a battle whenever possible. The number of experience points you get for killing a creature is not worth the risk of injuring Link. For the rest of Link's adventure the key word is 'run'.

As usual, you should swing your sword at every statue you find. Some of them will contain valuable Red Magic Bottles. Some of them, of course, will instead contain Ironknuckles, so always be prepared for a battle.

As was the case in the earlier palaces, there are rooms where you can find an unlimited supply of easy-to-kill monsters. This gives you a chance to get enough Blue Magic Bottles (and occasionally a red one) to refill your magical abilities.

In the lowest level of the Fifth Palace, you'll find the Magic Flute. This mysterious instrument will allow you to get past the River Demon south of Nabooru Town. In the territories of Hyrule beyond the River Demon, you'll find both the Sixth Palace and the Grand Palace.

Of special note in the Fifth Palace is the fake wall located in one of the lower-level rooms. With a running and jumping start, Link can walk right through this wall. In fact, he must walk through it in order to get the Magic Flute, as well as to visit many of the palace's other rooms.

The Hidden Town of New Kasuto

If you've already visited Old Kasuto Town (located just west of Three Eye Rock), you know that all the people who lived there have fled. What you may not know is that they have built a new town, hidden deep within a forest.

Here's how to find it: there's a cave to the north of Three Eye Rock. If you battle your way through it, you'll find yourself on the outskirts of a small forest on the far-eastern shore of Hyrule. The town of New Kasuto is hidden in this forest, but to find it you must use your axe (by pressing the 'A' button) to chop down the trees. This is a tough and frustrating job. Sometimes your axe will clear an area and other times it won't. To make matters worse, you'll be attacked constantly by the creatures that dwell in the forest. Be persistent, though; sooner or later you'll come across New Kasuto.

Before you search for New Kasuto, you must be sure you have found all the Magic Containers. If you've found them all, your Magic Meter will be eight segments long. If you've missed any of them, some important people in New Kasuto won't be cooperative. To get all the Magic Containers, be sure you have explored every square inch of Hyrule and checked out every cave. Once you've completed that task, you'll probably find that you're still missing one container.

That last container is well hidden. Remember the tunnel south of Death Mountain, the one that contained the Hammer? Next to that tunnel is a large boulder. If you strike that boulder with the Hammer, you'll discover yet another tunnel, wherein you will find a Magic Container.

Once you have found all your Magic Containers, go to New Kasuto, where you'll get your Spell. Then go all the way to the east of the town and cast the Spell. You'll, call forth a hidden building inside of which you' the Magic Key.

As a side note, I should mention that there's also one Heart Container that's difficult to locate. If you find that your Life Meter is only seven segments long, and you've searched everywhere, you've probably missed the Heart Container in the ocean. Take the same route you took to get to the Fifth Palace, walking on the water with your Magic Boots. Check every possible direction you can walk. There's a side path that'll lead you to the final Hear Container.

The sixth palace

How many of you have tried in vain to locate the Sixth Palace? I see a lot of hands raised. Yep, the Sixth Palace is well hidden. It is, in fact, invisible. To make it visible, stand in the center of Three Eye Rock, facing south and play the Magic Flute.

At the entrance to the Sixth Palace, there's a red statue. If you strike the statue with your sword, you'll find that it sometimes contains a red Ironknuckle, and sometimes contains a Red Magic Bottle - it's purely random. Still, this statue offers valuable help in your exploration of the desert surrounding Three Eye Rock.

Here's what to do: call up the Sixth Palace by playing the flute. Enter the palace and hit the red statue with your sword. If an Ironknuckle pops out, run out of the palace entrance. You'll find yourself back at Three Eye Rock. Before any creatures can attack, get yourself back into position and play the flute again.


Keep doing this until you get a Red Magic Bottle. This trick will allow you to keep your magical abilities at their highest level while you explore the desert. Whenever you get low on Magic, just go back to Three Eye Rock and get another Red Magic Bottle.

In the Sixth Palace, you won't find any keys. All the gates will open with the Magic Key you got in New Kasuto. You will, however, find the Cross here. The Cross will allow you to see the invisible creatures that attack in the graveyards, in Old Kasuto, and in the caverns leading to the Grand Palace. Without the Cross, you won't last long in these areas.

The Grand Palace

In the Grand Palace you'll meet up with the Final Guardian. To get there, you must battle your way through the graveyard south of the River Demon, and then make your way through the hot-mud swamps. In these swamps, you'll wander through many caverns and be attacked by dangerous creatures while balanced precariously over lava pits. Use your Spell to transform the Moas into a less dangerous form the instant you enter one of these caverns. If you don't do this, they will almost certainly bump you into a lava pit.

By the way, east of the entrance to the hot-mud swamps there's sometimes a Red Magic Bottle. Obtaining this bottle will give you a much better chance of making it to the Grand Palace. It's a tough trek.

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You must make your way west through the hot-mud swamps, toward the trails and caves located in the mountains. When you make it through the two caves, you'll find yourself standing in front of the Grand Palace. You'll be on your last legs by the time you get there, but that's okay. Once you make it to the Grand Palace, when you lose your last life, you'll be able to continue from the entrance to the palace. Unfortunately, you can't save your position at the Grand Palace. If you turn off your machine, you'll have to fight your way through the hot-mud swamps yet again.


The Grand Palace is huge, but you don't need to visit all the rooms. There are no keys and no gates. Your only task is to find the most direct route to the Final Guardian. I should also mention that the Grand Palace is almost impossible to map because the rooms don't fit together in a logical way.


You should try to find your own way through the Grand Palace without our help; that's half the fun. But if you give up, here are directions that'll get you to the Final Guardian, and with any luck, you'll get there with almost all your strength:

From the palace entrance, take the elevator down.

Go left as far as you can.

Take the elevator down.

Go right as far as you can.

Take the elevator down.

Genius webcam drivers. Go right as far as you can.

Take the elevator down one level. You'll find yourself in an elevator shaft with no visible exit (except to continue down).

The wall on your left has a secret entrance. Keep moving the elevator down little by little until you find it. Then walk through the wall to the secret room. The statue in this room may have a Red Magic Bottle. Strike the statue with your sword. You'll need to use your High Jump.

Take the elevator all the way down.

Go right as far as you can.

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Take the elevator down.

Go right as far as you can.

Take the elevator down.

Go right as far as you can.

Take the elevator down.

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You'll be in another elevator shaft with a fake wall. You may find another Red Magic Bottle in the statue in the secret room.

Take the elevator all the way down.

Go to the right. You'll find a Fairy that'll restore your life.

Go all the way to the left and you'll find a 1 Up.

Go back to the elevator and take it down.

Go left until you find a row of blocks on the floor.

Use your Downward Thrust to cut through the eleventh block from the right You'll fall through a secret passage.

Go right.

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Download Zelda 2 The Adventure Of Link Rom

You'll end up crossing a dissolving bridge. About halfway across the bridge, there'll be a narrow passage below. You must position yourself so that when the bridge segment you're standing on dissolves, you'll fall down the passage.

Go to the left and chop the bottom two blocks out of each of the T s. You may find a Red Magic Bottle. Or you may find yourself running from a nasty critter.

Go all the way to the right where you'll confront the Final Guardian.


You should now have most of the information you need to defeat Ganon and bring Link to the end of his quest. It's been a long and hard trek, but one thing is for sure - Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is one of the best games you can get for your NES. Good luck and may Ganon rue the day that you set out to defeat him.

Overall rating: 8.5